On November 20, 2019 deputy director of the NISS Dr. Sc. Yaroslav Zhalilo took part in the international conference “Ukraine After the Presidential and Parliament Elections: New Government – New Opportunities?” The conference organized by the Institute for European Politics (IEP) (Germany) and the Razumkov Centre (Ukraine) was held in Berlin.
In frames of the discussion panel “Domestic Policy: How Could the Ukrainian Economy Become More Successful?” Mr. Zhalilo expressed his view on the main driving mechanisms that can promote the success of the Ukrainian economy and turn ambitious goals, declared by the government, into the practical actions to achieve these goals. Among these mechanisms, according to the expert, one should name realization of potential of the land reform, implementation of the new industrial policy, modernization of the transportation infrastructure, decentralization, the new economy building in Donbass, implementation of the social strategies that may weaken the pressure on the economy of social paternalism.
Participants of the discussion endorsed the view that the government has to point out concrete sources for the planned economic development. They also emphasized the importance of promotion of the rule of law in Ukraine, countering corruption, as well as promotion of the transparency of decision-making.
Expert of the National Institute for Strategic Studies Maksym Palamarchuk spoke on the discussion panel “Security policy: main challenges and possible solutions for the Donbas Conflict”. He pointed out that several steps undertaken by the parties, such as separation of forces on the individual areas of the confrontation line give hope for further progress. Meanwhile, the key factor for Ukraine is obtaining of respective security assurances for realization of further steps, required by the Minsk agreements.
The members of discussion agreed that the issue of the Donbass Conflict is part and parcel of the complex problem of relations between Russia, Ukraine and the Western countries. Yet even the limited progress in regulation of the Donbass Conflict will cause positive humanitarian consequences.