Chief researcher of the Economic Strategy Department at the Center for Economic and Social Research (NISS) Danyila Oliinyk took part in the International interdepartmental online workshop "International Economical and Political Relationships under COVID-19: Experience of China and Ukraine", that was conducted as a ZOOM conference on July 23, 2020. In her report "Remote Provision of Medical Services in the Electronic Accounting System: International Experience", the expert focused on practical implementation of the new model of remote provision of medical services, based on accessing the huge scope of clinical data without human interaction, due to SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. According to Ms.Oliinyk, effective coordination and mutual cooperation between two states has never been as urgent priority as nowadays,considering spreading of COVID-19. For patients diagnozed with COVID-19 the virtual exchange of their clinical data is the crucial issue. New digital health services, such as е-Triage, robots for clinical logistics, optimization of tracking tools for patient flow, Remote Patient Monitoring (Telemonitoring) and telediagnostics of patients, medical charts and so on expedite creation of the clinical database in the Electronic Health Record System (EHR-S) and contribute to the quality and accessibility of medical services.