- The special emphasis of the new version of the Russian National Security Strategy on information security and protection of traditional spiritual and moral values is evidence of further attempts by the Russian leadership to limit external pressures, especially from Western countries, on domestic political processes in Russia and its partners.
- The adoption of the document immediately after the release of the communiqué following the NATO Summit and the EU document on EU-Russia relations, in which Russia is identified as a threat, is a signal of Moscow's reluctance to compromise and make concessions in dialogue with the West, including security on the European continent and the determination of the Russian leadership to further "raise rates" in opposition to it.
- The strategy identifies the Western democracies as the main opponents of Russia, and as the partners and allies - China, India, members of the Eurasian Economic Union, CSTO, BRICS, SCO and RIC[1].
- In the field of foreign policy, the document focuses on the development of relations with the CIS countries, and identifies attempts at external interference in their internal affairs as a threat to Russia's national security.
- The declaration in the Strategy of measures to strengthen "fraternal ties" between the Russian and Ukrainian peoples indicates a probable change in the approaches of the Russian leadership to Ukraine especially against the background of a return to the ideological cliché of "one people" in defining relations between Russia and Ukraine as well as the division into "people" and "leadership" of Ukraine in the rhetoric of the President of the Russian Federation.
[1] E A E U (Eurasian Economic Union), CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization), BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization), RIC (Russia, India, China).
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