New July 2019 publications of the NISS

In July, 2019 the NISS released three publications:   


Науково-аналітичний щоквартальний збірник «Стратегічні пріоритети», № 1, 2019 р
Scholarly-analytical quarterly journal “Strategic Priorities”, № 1, 2019

The following journal issue contains articles dedicated to the actual problems of national security, ethno-politics, development of civic society, issues of economy, etc.

Scholarly-analytical quarterly journal “Strategic Priorities”, № 1, 2019


Аналітична доповідь «Концептуальні засади стратегій інвестиційно-інноваційного розвитку оборонно-промислових комплексів держав. Досвід для України»
Analytical report “Conceptual Grounds of the Strategies of Innovative and Investment Development of the National Defence Industries”


The following work was written by V. M. Begma, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, and Principal Researcher in the department of military and military-economic policy at the NISS, and by O. O. Svergunov, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, and Leading Researcher in the department of military and military-economic policy at the NISS. In the analytical research the key strategies of innovative and investment developments of the national defence industries are evaluated, potential risks for Ukraine are assessed, and the ways of development of defence industry of Ukraine are indicated. The following publication is aimed at specialists in the field of security and defence.

Analytical report “Conceptual Grounds of the Strategies of Innovative and Investment Development of the National Defence Industries”


Монографія «Онтологія війни та миру: безпека, стратегія, смисл»
Monograph “Ontology of War and Peace: Security, Strategy, Meaning” 


The following work was written by B. O. Parakhonskyi, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Honored Scientist of Ukraine, Principal Researcher at the National Institute for Strategic Studies, and G. M. Yavorska, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Principal Researcher at the National Institute for Strategic Studies.

The monograph “Ontology of War and Peace: Security, Strategy, Meaning” is dedicated to ontological problems of war and peace in the context of experience of Ukraine in countering Russian hybrid war that turned to be a long-run factor of destructive influences on Ukrainian political, economic, and social reality.

In the following work the essence of war and peace is revealed through strategic and safety paradigms, while including simultaneously differentiated interaction of cognitive meanings. Conceptual semantics of war and peace, problems of socio-political ontology, description of the global and regional strategic environments, strategic culture and its relation to the discourse of power, the role of identity and the language of war and, last but not least, the strategy of victory – this is a short-list of issues, discussed in this book. The monograph is aimed at academic scholars and general public.