Call for papers Strategic Panorama journal Issue 1, 2024


Focus and Scope of the Journal:


Security studies, international relations (in particular countering the large-scale military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine)

Submission Details and Deadline:

  • The article should be written in Ukrainian or English and contain the following elements:
  • UDC code;
  • ORCID;
  • title of the paper in English and Ukrainian (in CAPITAL LETTERS);
  • information about the author in Ukrainian and English languages: surname, name, patronymic; degree, academic rank; full name of the position, place of work (full name of the institution or company); locality; country; contact phone (with the local code if necessary); e-mail address;
  • identical summaries in Ukrainian and English languages of not less than 1800 characters (with spaces) including the purpose and results obtained;
  • keywords (from three to eight);
  • the list of literature formatted in accordance to DSTU 8302-2015;
  • References (the list of literature in Roman script) which should be prepared using international bibliographic standard APA 7.
  • The main text of the article (without the list of sources and annexes) should not exceed 60 thousand symbols with intervals.
  • The file should be in Microsoft Word document file format without headers. The text should be 1.5-spaced, in 14-point Times New Roman font. The margins: top, bottom – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1.5 cm; paragraph indent – 1.25 cm. Pages numbers should be in the bottom right corner.
  • References in the text should be in square brackets, where the source number from the list of literature and, if necessary, the page number are indicated. Numbering of references in the text of the article corresponds to their sequence in the list of literature.

To view detailed author guidelines, please visit



The submission deadline for all papers is 1st August 2024.

Please submit manuscripts via e-mail: [email protected] stating «Call for papers» in the email subject.

Peer Review Policy and Publication

All the manuscripts submitted to the journal are subject to double-blind peer review. The reviewer’s decision is sent to the author by email.

Review and publication in Strategic Panorama is free of charge.


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